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2024 Schedule (Year 2 Beekeepers)

January (YEAR 2)

In-Depth with the Bees in the Hive

Self Study
–  Lesson 44 | Bee Anatomy – Drones
–  Lesson 45 | Bee Anatomy – Queens
–  Lesson 46 | Bee Anatomy – Workers

Understanding DeadOuts and Recovery

Timing       |           January Week 4
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 47 | CSI Deadouts – Performing Hive Autopsies
–  Lesson 48 | CSI Back in service
–  Lesson 49 | Replacing Poorly Formed Comb


Hive Maladies and Swarm Dynamic Primer

Timing       |           February Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 50 | Intro to Hive Maladies
–  Lesson 51 | Swarm Triggers
–  Lesson 52 | Swarm Indicators

Swarm Prevention – Introduction to Splits

Timing       |           February Week 4
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites

–  Lesson 53 | Swarm Prevention
–  Lesson 54 | Introduction to Splitting Hives


Methods for Splitting Hives

Timing       |           March Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 55 | How to do a Traditional Split
–  Lesson 56 | How to do a Walkaway Split
–  Lesson 57 | Basics of a Demaree Split

Hiving Swarms

Timing       |           March Week 4
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 58 | Hiving Swarms


Expanding Hives for Honey Production

Timing       |           April Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 59 | Supering Methods (Adding Honey Boxes)

Utility of Nucleus Colonies

Timing       |           April Week 4
Session     |           Online Meeting

Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 60 | Utility of Nucleus Hives


Honey Harvesting

Timing       |           May Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 61 | Introduction to Honey Harvesting
–  Lesson 62 | Clearing Honey Boxes

Uncapping and Extracting

Timing       |           May Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 63 | Uncapping Tools and Process
–  Lesson 64 | Using Extraction Equipment


Bottling Honey

Timing       |           June Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 65 | Bottling Honey

Mentor Visits

Timing       |           June (Second Half of the Month)

In-Person Mentor Visits: Volunteer to go out with a mentor to visit first-year participants. Perform Hive inspection, Mite Monitoring (Pay it Forward)


Summer Break

Timing       |           Month of July

–  Organize your effort to pull, uncap, harvest, and bottle your honey


Replacing Queens – Frame Management

Timing       |           August Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 66 | Replacing Queens
–  Lesson 67 | Frame Management (The Frame Game)


Colony Thermodynamics and Hive Monitoring

Timing       |           September Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 68 | Colony Thermodynamics
–  Lesson 69 | Hive Monitoring


Honey Shows – Rendering Wax

Timing       |           October Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 70 | Entering a Honey Show
–  Lesson 71 | Rendering Wax


Products of the Hive

Timing       |           November Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
–  Lesson 72 | Products of the Hive Overview


Summer Assessments & Mitigations

Timing       |           December Week 2
Session     |           Online Meeting
Meeting Prerequisites
– Lesson 73 | Caring for your Bee Suits
– Lesson 74 | Beekeeping Conferences
–  Lesson 75 | What have you learned (Graduation)